Can You Use A Normal Laminator For Foiling?

If you’re looking to add some foil accents to your DIY project, you might be wondering if you can use a regular laminator for the job. The short answer is yes! In this post, we’ll show you how to get started with foiling using a normal laminator. We’ll also give you some tips on getting the best results. Let’s get started!

Guide to Foiling with a Conventional Laminator

You’ll need:

  • A laminator with a foiled setting (if your laminator doesn’t have a foiled setting, you can try using aluminum foil instead)
  • Foil
  • Scissors

First, cut a piece of foil that’s big enough to cover the area you want to foil.

Next, place the foil over the area and use a laminator to seal it in place. Make sure to use the foil setting on your laminator, or else you might end up with some melted foil on your project!
Once the foil is in place, you can start adding your designs. We recommend using a stencil or a template to get started.

Once you’ve got your design in place, use sharp scissors to cut out the shapes.

And that’s it! Your project is now ready for some shiny foil accents. Have fun with it!

Do I need a special foil laminator?

You don’t need a special foil laminator; Any foil laminator will work. But, of course, these are special laminator for foiling will works better with it. If you don’t have a foil laminator, you can try using aluminum foil. Just make sure to use the foil setting on your laminator, or else you might end up with some melted foil on your project!
normal laminator

Can I just use regular old contact paper?

You could try using regular old contact paper, but we don’t recommend it. The results might not be as good, and you might have some trouble getting the contact paper to stick to your project. If you do try using regular old contact paper, we suggest using a spray adhesive to help it stick.

Can I use a different type of foil?

Yes! You can use any type of foil you want. Just make sure it’s the same width as your laminator. If the foil is too wide, it might not fit in the laminator, and if it’s too narrow, you might have to fold it over a few times.

Why is my foiling patchy?

If your foiling is patchy, it might mean that the foil isn’t sticking to the project properly. Try using a spray adhesive to help the foil stick better. If that doesn’t work, you might need to use a different type of foil.


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